IMPORTANT: UltraSMTP is scheduled to be sunset December 31, 2025. Please click here for important information.

UltraSMTP Server Features List

For enterprise clients and partners that are interested in offering UltraSMTP service to their users, we offer private dedicated UltraSMTP servers. Dedicated UltraSMTP servers are fully-managed and hosted by us, and can be private-labelled or co-branded with the clients' branding. Private dedicated UltraSMTP servers include all of the features and tools found in our hosted UltraSMTP service, and many more. Please see below for a complete list of features.


Server can be private-labelled or co-branded using client's name, logo, and domain. Branding is applied to all aspects of the service, including the web portal and status notices - as well as 'behind the scenes', including server names, certificates, DNS, etc.

Message Authentication
UltraSMTP will assist client in setting up SPF records and DKIM records in the DNS for their domain(s). Messages are DKIM-signed using keys specific to sender's domains. DKIM-signing for an unlimited number of senders' domains is supported.

Web-portal is secured via HTTPS using SSL.
Client connections to UltraSMTP are secured via SSL (typically on port 465), or via STARTTLS (typically on port 25 or port 587).
Message delivery to recipients' MX servers is secured via STARTTLS if recipients' MX servers support STARTTLS.
Industry-standard security practices used throughout development internally, including prepared SQL queries, password hashing, and use of latest SSL/TLS protocols and ciphers, firewalls, routing updates, etc.

User Account Management
Control panel available through web portal to users for configuring account preferences and checking the status of sent messages. Web portal is built using a responsive design, so that it is usable on any type of device.

User Authentication
Senders can be authenticated either by SMTP Authentication (via username and password), or by remote IP address.

Administrator Account Management
Web-based control panel available to administrator for creating and managing user accounts. Administrator can configure limits on number of messages sent per day per user account. Administrator can restrict accounts to allow sending from only specified email addresses, or require validation of email addresses before allowing mail to be sent from these addresses.

Delivery Status of Sent Messages
Delivery status of sent messages accessible through users' accounts at web portal. Users can opt to receive delivery status notices by email, or check delivery status through their account at the web portal.

Opened Message Tracking
If this option is enabled, UltraSMTP will insert a hosted image in the HTML body of the message to track when the message has been opened. Image may be either a transparent pixel, or an image that the user has selected. Message opened status can be tracked either through users' accounts via the web portal, or users may opt to receive a status notice when a message has been opened. Tracking image may be an invisible pixel, or tracking image may be an image of the user's choice, such as a company logo. Users can opt to receive alerts when messages are opened, or check the status of opened messages through their account at the web portal.

Document Delivery Confirmation
Like 'certified mail for email' - this option requires recipients to confirm receipt of important documents (such as invoices, important letters, legal documents, etc).

Tag Lines
This option can be used to include a tag line near the end of messages sent through the server. Tag lines can be used to include a signature, advertisement, or legal notice in outgoing messages.

Multiple IP Addresses
If the server has multiple IP addresses, each account can be individually configured to send through a particular IP address.

Users can relay mail through the server from clients not configured to send mail through the server (such as webmail clients) by appending to recipients' email addresses.

Server DNS, Hostname, IP Address, Certificates, and Identification
Server is hosted in client's domain (e.g. UltraSMTP will assist client in configuring DNS such that points to server's public IP address. PTR record of server's public IP address is configured to reverse to Users' mail clients connect to server via When sending outgoing messages, server identifies itself as (in SMTP EHLO command) when connecting to remote MX's. URL for web portal (for account management) is UltraSMTP will assist client in obtaining certificates for for securing the web portal and for securing incoming and outgoing SMTP connections.

Setup, Hosting, Maintenance, Updates, and Upgrades
UltraSMTP runs on a Linux operating system and can be run either on a physical server or on a virtual machine. UltraSMTP servers are fully-managed by us, including setup, ongoing support, maintenance, updates, and upgrades.

Got an Enhancement Request or an Idea for a New Feature?
We love a challenge! Please contact us with your request or idea.

New from the creators of UltraSMTP:
EncryptedSend - Browser based end-to-end encrypted messaging

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